100% ECO – konsequent recycelt und zertifiziert!

Wir sind nach dem Global Recycled Standard (GRS) zertifiziert und können dir Produkte unserer Eco-Line anbieten, die nachhaltig, transparent und ressourcenschonend hergestellt werden.

Ein wichtiger Schritt
Recycelte Materialien
  1. Verpackungsabfälle von Endkunden und Abfallstoffe die während des Herstellungsprozess entstehen, werden gesammelt.

  2. In einem Recyclingverfahren wird der Abfall gewaschen, zu Granulat zerkleinert und eingeschmolzen.

  3. Auf diesem Wege werden neue Fasern hergestellt.

  4. Es entsteht ein strapazierfähiges, langlebiges und recyceltes Material für unsere Eco-Line.

Unsere Eco-Line – Taschen aus recycelten Materialien

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Our certifications

Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

The Global Recycle Standard (GRS) was originally developed by Control Union Certifications in 2008. Responsibility passed to the Textile Exchange on January 1, 2011. The GRS is an international, voluntary, full-fledged product standard that sets out requirements for independent certification of recycled materials, chain of custody, social and environmental practices, and chemical restrictions.

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) aims to record the exact percentage of recycled materials in products and to make the composition more transparent. Overall, the standard aims to increase the use of recycled materials in the manufacture of textile products.

The recycled basis is industrial waste (pre-consumer waste) and waste generated by private end use (post-consumer waste). Among other things, GRS ensures that the recycled materials can be traced back exactly. It also sets standards for production to reduce harmful effects on people and the environment. GRS stands for the the social component between man and nature.

The GRS logo itself may only be used if the recycled content is at least 50%.

The standard is international, voluntary and fully fledged. It also provides guidelines on the additives used, environmental management and social responsibility and does not end with the raw materials themselves.

Further information: https://textileexchange.org/documents/global-recycled-standard-grs/

Our certificate: Click here

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

PETA is the largest animal welfare organization, with more than 6 million members and supporters worldwide. The organization was founded in 1980 in deer and since 1993 there has also been a partner organization in Germany PETA Germany registered association 

With an increasing awareness of environmental protection and animal suffering PETA the increased demand for vegan and animal-friendly fashion. However, it is often not that easy to find them, as there was no labeling for such fashion items for a long time. Because of this PETA the labels PETA-Approved Vegan introduced, which allows consumers to see vegan fashion at a glance without animal cruelty. The organization wants to make animal-friendly shopping easier.